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Fair Play Menarini International Award, the celebrations for the 28th edition begin

FLORENCE, 3 July 2024 – The 28th edition of the Fair Play Menarini International Award is about to kick off. Preparations are under way in the cities of Florence and Fiesole to...

Football star, Didier Drogba, shines bright among the winners of the 28th edition of The Fair Play Menarini International Award

FLORENCE, 01/07/2024 – There is no end to the surprises at the Fair Play Menarini International Award. The Award Jury has added another global football legend, Didier Drogba, to...

Legendary striker Samuel Eto’o among the winners of the 28th Edition of the Fair Play Menarini International Award

FLORENCE, 20 June 2024 – The Members of the Board of the Fair Play Menarini Foundation, Antonello Biscini, Valeria Speroni Cardi and Ennio Troiano, are delighted to welcome another...

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a meeting point for all friends with common ideals towards the progress of sciences for the benefit of mankind.

Sergio gorini, Foundation’s first President

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